Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Salt Lake Arts Academy

A week from today I will enter Humanities Classroom 300 at the Salt Lake Arts Academy and teach my first-ever course to a group of 18 students. This week I am working feverishly to develop a course outline, and a course description to post on my homepage which can be accessed by the students, their parents, and other teachers. I have a full year ahead of me, and what will my Beginning French students have learned by June 2011? I will only have four hours of their time each week at my disposal, but I do believe we can accomplish and learn very much in that time.

This public charter school seems to be a place where I would be thrilled to send my children. Take a look at their Curriculum, and their Frequently Asked Questions. I hope to integrate their language-learning with the topics they are covering in their other classes. Can you imagine taking a science class, and learning the names of the parts of the body, then learning them in French as well? Or taking a math class and being able to count in both English and French? There are so many opportunities for cross-curriculum learning at this school. I will be pleased to meet these students, their parents, and their other teachers as I try to engage them culturally and linguistically.

~ Madame Ball ~


  1. Wow, that sounds exciting. How did you learn to speak French so well? Just from classes or a degree or have you spent some time in France or somewhere else where they speak French?

    Teaching is such a fun and rewarding profession. I hope you have fun.

  2. All of the above, actually! I started studying French in 9th grade at Murray High School ~ my teacher was Eric Perry, and I ended up going to the U with him, and graduating the same day as him, me with my BA and him with his Master's! SO yeah, I majored in French at the U, and that's how I found out about this position at the Arts Academy, because the French department sent out info about it over the summer. I also spent 5 weeks in Tours, France a couple summers ago, living with a family who didn't speak English, so it really forced me to become fluent.

    I am very much looking forward to teaching these kids!
